
學校邀同性諮商師演講 突然遭取消?

Speech by a gay counselor cancelled at the last minute


A high school in Kaohsiung organized a speech about gender equality, inviting a gay counselor to share his story with students. However, the school was pressured by some parents and cancelled the speech at the last minute. Publically, the school claimed that the speech had clashed with another event in schedule, so they had to cancel it due to a shortage of students registering for the speech. However, reporters’ investigation found several flaws in the school’s claim.


Cell phone records revealed the truth


Flyers about the speech were distributed to students on December 19, 2016. On the 22, the school notified the speaker that the speech had been called off. Earlier that day, some parents had appealed to a member of the local city council to exert pressure on the school. Therefore, the speaker believed the speech was cancelled due to the pressure.


The speaker said that this was not the first time parents protested. He had always had to help the schools deal with the protests. He was just enraged this time by the fact that a member of the city council had interfered. He said this was extremely unprofessional. This took away children’s right to be educated.



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