
利用宮廟名義號召少年加入 被害人出面指控



以宗教明義性侵 中外屢見不鮮



Sexual Abuse in the Name of Religion

After being released from the prison, an ex-convict started a religious parade group to which he recruited many teenage boys. He then sexually abused four of them and was sentenced to six years in the prison. During his time in the prison, another victim accused him of sexual abuse. Because of this, he was sentenced to five more years.


It is not uncommon to hear about sexual abuse happening in the name of religion. Authority figures often take advantage of the relatively closed environment as well as power hierarchy often manifest in religion and sexually abuse younger males. Victims often do not dare to be outspoken about it and do not usually seek help. To help prevent similar incidents, we all have to be vigilant about circumstances around us that place people in power imbalance.



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