


Figures show that in the past two years about 10% of all reported Hepatitis A patients in Taiwan are people with HIV/AIDS who are above 40 years old. In order to contain the Hepatitis A epidemic, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released a statement on March 22, saying that starting from March 1st 2017, there is no long an age limit for publically funded vaccines. All those living with HIV/AIDS are entitled to a vaccine of Hepatitis A, and 6 months to 1 year later, they can receive the second vaccine. They have to pay for the second vaccine.


Originally, CDC only offered one publically funded vaccine to people who are diagnosed with AIDS or people who are newly reported to be gonorrhea and syphilis patients, and only if they were born after 1977. In March 2017, they relaxed the age limit for those living with HIV. The trial period is till December 31st.

疾管署副署長羅一鈞表示,之所以取消年齡限制,主要考量國內近2年以來的A型肝炎疫情,約1成皆為40歲以上的HIV感染者,而一旦HIV感染者得到A肝,因扺抗力弱,不僅病情較嚴重、易住院,且因排病毒需時較久,傳染力較高,為有效降低A 型肝炎疫情因此決定該族群放寬為全年齡可免費接種1劑。


Deputy director of CDC, Mr. Luo, said that the reason they lifted the age limit, considering the epidemic condition for the past two years. About 10% of Hepatitis A patients are also HIV patients who are above 40 years old. Besides, there is a higher chance of contracting Hepatitis A when you are already HIV positive. Because HIV patients have weaker immunity, their condition might be more serious, and they will be more prone to hospitalization. The treatment also takes longer. Therefore, in order to effectively combat the Hepatitis A epidemic, CDC decided to lift the age limit for the publically funded vaccines. However, 6 months to 1 year later, people will have to pay for the second vaccine, which costs $NTD1500~2000.


Q: Who qualifies?

A: Starting from March 1st, there is no longer the age limit for the publically funded vaccines. As long as you are an AIDS patient, you are entitled to one free Hepatitis A vaccine. 6 months to 1 year later, you will have to pay to get the second vaccine.



Q: How much is the second vaccine?

A: Fees for registration and examination will vary from hospital to hospital. Sometimes, there will be a fee of injection, which is about $NTD35~50.



Q: If I have already paid for the first vaccination, can my second vaccination be counted as the publically funded vaccination?

A: The publically funded vaccination period is from October 1st 2016 to December 31st 2017. Only one of your two vaccinations will be publically funded. Either one is fine.




Q: What do I need to do before getting the vaccination?

A: You need to get tested to see if you already have the antibody to Hepatitis A. You can get that done whenever you have your blood drawn.


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