

充滿競爭的台北市,經營酒吧本是件不容易的事。要經營挑剔的同志酒吧更是難上加難。然而目前非常受歡迎的新酒吧做到了,它就是Abrazo Bistro


Managing a bar in the competitive bar scene in Taipei is not easy, and it is even harder to manage a gay bar. However, Abrazo Bistro has been quite successful! Abrazo means embrace in Spanish.

坐落在台北市交通便利且繁華的Abrazo Bistro,從前是在信義區的巷弄內,空間較狹隘,後來搬到敦化南路,搭捷運至忠孝敦化站,從東區地下街9號出口出地面就容易看見,讓喜愛它的同志朋友們更方便抵達。內部裝潢以時尚工業風格呈現,搭配適度迷人的黃光,讓氣氛溫暖且同時不失誘人色彩。既然叫做Bistro,當然提供餐點,價位從台幣100多元的前菜,到400元以內的午餐、下午茶及晚餐皆有供應。菜色都算滿中規中矩,但擺盤與菜色表現絕不會令你失望喔。

Abrazo Bistro used to sit inside a narrow street, which made its space much smaller. Now, it is located on Dunhua South Road. Visitors can take the MRT to the Zhongxiao Dunhua Station, take exit 9, and they will see the bar as soon as they leave the station. This makes it a lot more convenient for people to reach the bar. The deco inside the bar has the industrial style. The right amount of yellow light makes the atmosphere warmer but still charming. They also serve meals, with prices ranging from $NTD 100 to $NTD 400. They serve lunch, afternoon tea snack and dinner. The meals won’t disappoint you.


Undeniably, Abrazo Bistro will be popular with the gay community. They visit Abrazo Bistro because of its deco, atmosphere, and its “embrace”! They will be able to enjoy the space and the drinks with their friends. The new location has two floors. The ground floor is for non-smokers, while there is a smoking area in the basement. The new location is much more spacious than the previous location. However, on weekends, it still gets crowded. It’s particularly good for those of you who want to meet new friends!


電話: 02 2731 8282


Location: No. 198, Dunhua South Road, Taipei City

Telephone number: 02-27318282

Opening: 11:30am~4:00am


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